Saturday, May 21, 2011

Demonization 101

      Medicare is broke and going bankrupt. It needs to be fixed, so Republican Congressman Paul Ryan proposed a solution for the problem. Now, in a civilized society, the other side, if they did not agree would say "We don't agree, but let's sit down and discuss it, and see if we can't come up with a solution".
But, what do we get? The Progressive, Liberal, Left wing Democrats (but I repeat myself), don't propose any solution of their own. They just start demonizing. Don't believe me? Check out the following ad brought to you by some Leftie organization.

That kind of stuff is really going to solve the problem isn't it?
       These people don't give a damn about the country. The only thing they want is power, and they will do anything to get it and keep it!
      The 2012 elections are coming. If we want to fix the problems in this country and restore it to what it used to be, then the Democrats must be defeated. Good Conservative Republicans need to be elected. No RINO's (Republicans in name only) need apply. We need to win a filibuster proof majority in the U.S. Senate and vote Uncle Barack out of office. If we don't, we will be rapidly heading to becoming a Third World Banana Republic run by a tyrannical, central planning government.
      It's time to rid ourselves of these whiny, little tantrum throwers and get some real adults in Washington. There was an article in "The Onion", that reported that the United States is down to it's last 100 mature adults and they may all be gone in fifty years. Sounds about right to me.

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