Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Coming Ice Age?

      If you think real hard, back to elementary school, when you learned about the "hydrologic or water cycle" on "planet earth". Water is in constant movement. It flows in rivers, into lakes and oceans, and is evaporated from the same to fall again as rain and snow. Cold air holds much less water vapor than does warm air. That is why the western sides of mountain ranges are usually very wet and the eastern side very dry, because as the air climbs up the mountains it cools and loses moisture in the form of rain and snow. So it is dried out as it flows over the other side. The same applies to land masses that are reasonably flat to a lesser degree.
      Fast forward to today, in the era of "global warming" or "climate change". The planet is supposedly warming up. I don't think it is "human" caused, but is just a natural cycle, since for the last 2 1/2 million years we have been in an ice age cycle. We all know what kind of weather we are having here this winter, and Europe has been hammered with bitter cold and snow. Since the "scientists" tell us that during this past summer more of the Arctic ice cap has melted, with more open water, than ever before, I thought I would re post a portion of something I wrote back on November 30, 2009.

         "We are in an interglacial period right now, since the last continental glaciers finished receding about 10,000 years ago. Over the last 2 1/2 million years, the earth has had 5 glacial periods during which up to 30% of the continents were covered with glaciers up to a mile thick. Where did all that ice come from? When I was at the University of Connecticut, majoring in Geology back in the early 60's, we discussed a theory of the ice ages that still makes a whole lot of sense, and shows that what is going on today is natural and not caused by humans.
       About 2/1/2 million years ago, the continents arrived (continental drift) at their present locations. This set the stage for the start of the first ice age. At that time the Arctic ocean was open water. This allowed tremendous evaporation from the ocean that fell as snow across the continents. This eventually caused glaciers to start forming on the continents. All that snow and ice on the land caused a lot of sunlight to be reflected back into space causing the global temperature to drop causing global cooling and further glaciation. Eventually, the planet cooled to the point where the Arctic ocean froze. This cut off the evaporation that lead to the creation of the continental ice glaciers. With the influx of new snow cut off, the glaciers slowly started receding. As they receded, more land was exposed and not as much sunlight was reflected back into space, so the planet started warming again. Eventually, the glaciers disappeared as the planet warmed to the point that the Arctic ocean melted and became ice free again. The cycle started all over again, as it has five times, and will continue to do so until the continents realign themselves again. If the earth is warming, and the Arctic ocean is melting as the doomsayers would have you believe, then when it becomes ice-free again, I hope you have a big snow shovel, because we'll be headed into another ice age."

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