Monday, April 12, 2010

What the Left is All About

There is a group of Americans out there who have had enough with Government spending, it's intrusion into our lives, constantly increasing taxes, and continual attempts at controlling every aspect of our lives. These are decent, hard working Americans. They are called the Tea Party Patriots. In complete agreement with the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, you know the part that says the government shall make no law "interfering with the right to peaceably assemble" , they have held rallies locally, at the State level, and in Washington, D.C. At the D.C. rally, there were charges from some black Congressmen that they were spit upon, and that the "N" word was used. Naturally, this was quickly picked up by the "Lame Stream" media(got that from Sarah Palin, but, boy, is it appropriate) and reported to show how radical and bigoted the Tea Partiers are. Nothing can be further from the truth, because what was reported never happened. A reward was put up for anyone who had a video of anything like that occurring and no one came forward, but there are numerous videos of the rally that show none of that stuff happened, but the Left has never let facts get in the way of a good story. They don't have a chance at winning any argument on facts, so they have to resort to lying, smearing, name calling, and the politics of personal destruction. What? You say they don't do that sort of thing? Check out the following link and see what they have planned for future Tea Party rallies. If that isn't what I just described then please tell me what it is.

To all you crashers - future rallies are all going to be video taped and if you act inappropriately, you will be rapidly escorted from the scene. You have been warned. 

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