Wednesday, January 3, 2018

They don't care about this particular one!

So, I was sitting here watching the SYFY channel’s New Year’s Twilight Zone marathon last Monday, and I got to thinking about those sheriff deputies that got shot in Colorado. No connection between the two. I was wondering where the anti gun crowd is? Shouldn’t they be out by now screaming for more gun control? Where’s Murphy? Where’s Blumenthal? Where’s Esty and all the rest of them? Where's the media? Couldn’t figure it out! Then it came to me! They are leftists and leftists hate cops! That ambush was fine with them! If it had been school kids, or innocents in a mall, or people in a theater, that would have been an outrage and they would have been calling for more control before the bodies were cold! They are really pathetic!


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  2. It's interesting when the "blog administrator" removes a remark. It's as if they don't like what was said and/or it contradicts their inner narrative so they delete it, plug their ears and pretend reality doesn't exist.
