Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hey, Chris................................

      I am one of those evil Tea party bloggers. You know, one of those people who don't want to personally owe $44,000 in government debt (probably to China), like every other man, woman, and child in this country, with the amount going up daily. We borrow 40 cents of every dollar the government spends. This cannot be sustained and it must stop - NOW! You want to raise taxes on the millionaires and billionaires? If you confiscate every penny from every person making over one million dollars a year, you can run the government for 111 days. Then what?
      We don't have a revenue problem in this country, we have a spending problem, and a big one. Obama has added over three trillion dollars to the national debt since he was inaugurated. That is more than George Bush (of whom I am no fan, by a long shot) added in his entire eight years in office. He continues to add 1.5 trillion dollars per year to the debt, and he wants to raise taxes to close the deficit. That never works! Increase government revenues through tax increases and they just spend the extra money, We need less spending, not more. Congress needs to have their hands tied constitutionally. I fully back a balanced budget Amendment to the Constitution which would specify that in order for a budget to be balanced, it must be done with spending cuts, not tax increases. It would also require a two thirds majority to raise taxes.
       Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid must be brought under control and Obamacare must be repealed, with a return to a patient based, free market, medical program, where the patient and their doctor makes health decisions, not the government or insurance companies.
       While I do engage is sarcasm, quite frequently, on my blog, I have always tried to keep the language within bounds, but this time I have only one thing to say to Chris Matthews - Stop your G**D*** whining.... Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!....  just "Sit on this and rotate!!" Maybe that will send a tingle up your leg.
      It's time the adults took control. You whiny, slimy, creepy liberals have had your way for way too long.

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