Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hey, "Tommy Boy"! Are You Still Out There?

        Back on January 4, 2010, I posted my following "Letter to the Editor", right after Scott Brown's election, in Massachusetts, to the U.S. Senate.

Massachusetts vote says People serious about change
To all you arrogant elitists in Washington, D.C., do you remember the Tea Parties from last year? We rallied and told you we wanted no part of stimulus spending, expanded government and government-run health care. You didn't listen, and called us right-wing extremists and mobsters.

During the August recess, you had town-hall meetings, and we told you we didn't want huge government spending, expanded government and government-run health care. You didn't listen, and called us right-wing extremists, mobsters and Nazis.

We took the governors' elections in Virginia and New Jersey in November. Once again, you didn't listen.

The Senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy had been in Democratic hands since 1952, in a state that hadn't elected a Republican senator (a liberal) since 1972. We took the seat in a state won by President Obama by 26 percentage points in the November 2008 presidential election.

Democrats ran their 2008 campaign on "transparency." Legislation would be debated on C-SPAN, with bipartisan support, and it would be posted on the Internet for at least 72 hours so people could read it. Instead, negotiations went behind closed doors; no Republicans need apply. Legislation was brought to the floor and voted on before anyone had time to read it.

If we can take the Senate seat in Massachusetts, there is not a safe Democratic congressional seat in the country. Reps. Jim Himes, 4th District, Chris Murphy, 5th District, Rosa DeLauro, 3rd District, John Larson, 1st District, and Joe Courtney, 2nd District, are you getting the message yet? I suggest you start paying attention to the people if you want to continue your political careers past Nov. 2, 2010.

Enjoy those Georgetown parties while you can. We're taking back our country.

Jon Quint

I received the following comments about my letter (among others):

Austin said...
Be careful where you establish your base, and be careful what you wish for
 tommy_boy said...
Tea Parties? Listen to Tea Parties? All 10 of you?

Town Halls? Listen to rude people that purposely went to these to obstruct and shout? Not a chance.

If you really think the recent Dem setbacks have anything to do with the Republican or Conservative message, then you need to stop smoking the Palin Pipe... There was no way Obama was going to recover this economy faster than public expectations required (no matter what he said), and it was almost certain that when he didn't, Republicans would begin claiming the reason for his support drop was because Obama was out of touch. People that are actually paying attention don't fall for your rhetoric, and those of us that believe in accountability refuse to let the previous 8 years of mis-management be forgotten.

Pretty common game you're playing. Just waiting for you to invoke the words "Liberty" and "Tyranny" a handful of times in your blog to completely confirm you've drunk the Koolaid.

We told you to start paying attention to us, and once again you showed your arrogance and elitism, and you didn't listen. Well, we now know the results of the election and it sure isn't pretty for the Democrat "ruling class". Nancy who? I have my base established right where I want it, with the majority of other Americans, and I guess we 10 Tea Party members did a pretty good job, didn't we, Tommy Boy!! 

Next up - 2012!!

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