Thursday, September 16, 2010

This is the "Contract From America"

      Any politician who really believes in this country and it's founding values should sign this, and follow it, and if they don't they should be sent to the dust bin of history!

     We, the citizens of the United States of America, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items and advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.
  1. Protect the Constitution
  2. Reject Cap & Trade
  3. Demand a Balanced Budget
  4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
  5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
  6. End Runaway Government Spending
  7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
  8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
  9. Stop the Pork
  10. Stop the Tax Hikes


  1. Heres the problem
    Its simple math
    The current budget deficits are largely the result of Bush's Tax Cuts (and trying to fight 2 wars without paying for them - another brilliant idea from our former President).

    Unless we raise taxes, the budget cannot be balanced.

    Can't happen

    Simple math

    More proof, if any was needed, that Conservatives and Republicans don't really care about the deficit and they are delusional about the impact of tax cuts on the deficit and the economy.

  2. OK, Reject Cap and Trade.

    What do you propose as our national response to the realities of Global Warming/Climate Change? Ignore it and hope it goes away??

    If you have a better idea, lets hear it. Personally I would prefer a direct carbon tax, but that isn't on the table so Cap and Trade is the best we cna do right now?

    What would you do?

  3. 3.Demand a Balanced Budget
    4.Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
    5.Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
    6.End Runaway Government Spending
    9.Stop the Pork
    10.Stop the Tax Hikes

    Whose pork do you want to stop?

    The subsudies to agribusiness?
    The tax subsudies to companies that send jobs overseas?
    The tax subsudies to energy companies that made more than $40Billion in profits last year?
    The maintenance of a defense establishment and all its contractors that is several times larger than we really need (larger than the next 6 countries combined including Russia and China)?

    Which Pork do you want to cut?

    What amuses me about people like you is you made none of these demands of President Bush who cut taxes without paying for them, started two wars without paying for them, created a new entitlement program without attempting to pay for it, who created a $1.3Trillion deficit with his last budget.

    But now we have a Democrat in the White House and you are all about fiscal discipline and balanced budgets.

    Where were you for those 8 years?

  4. Hi, Uncle Walt, Haven't heard from you in a while. I started to answer and I saw you were still rambling on. Let me know when you're done and I'll respond to everything.

  5. I take back what I said about responding to everything you commented on. You are obviously a card carrying Liberal with a list of Democrat talking points. You believe what you do and there is no changing your mind. Just for your info, I couldn't tell you how many times I got fund raising letters from the Republican party when Bush was President and sent them back WITHOUT a check and a note about how I wouldn't give as long as Bush's Liberal domestic agenda continued. As far as I am concerned, Medicare Drug Program, TARP, bailout of car companies (which started under Bush) no f***ing way! Let me know on 11/3 how you Libs make out.

  6. I am a Liberal, always have been. Once I left the Navy I registered as a Democrat and have been ever since.

    So do you only respond to people you agree with??

    Are my questions too complex for you?

    I will repeat them for you.

    Whose pork do you want to stop?

    The subsudies to agribusiness?
    The tax subsudies to companies that send jobs overseas?
    The tax subsudies to energy companies that made more than $40Billion in profits last year?
    The maintenance of a defense establishment and all its contractors that is several times larger than we really need (larger than the next 6 countries combined including Russia and China)?

    Which Pork do you want to cut?

    What do you propose as our national response to the realities of Global Warming/Climate Change? Ignore it and hope it goes away??

    Is this tooo much for you?

  7. So, this thread remains a testament to the weakness in your insistence on pretending that Liberals are anything other than patriotic Americans with whom you have distinct differences on most policy questions. Its funny that, when confronted to support your generalizations, you cannot. You didn't even attempt to support your generalizations.

  8. Read back in my past posts and you will get my "philosophy". Unlike a lot of Liberals, I have to work for a living, and don't have the time to continually beat my head against the wall trying to change the mind of Liberals, whose minds can't be changed, and who when confronted with facts, resort the the politics of personal destruction. The government, as the Constitution says (if you care to read it), is basically charged with protecting us from enemies(foreign and domestic), negotiating treaties, creating a court system, creating a monetary system and providing an infrastructure. Beyond that -Furgitaboutit. End of conversation on my end. See ya November 3, and we'll see if the majority of the American people agree with you or me!

  9. So the only reason to respond to a comment is to change someones mind, not just to engage in a debate that will hopefully illuminate an issue or two?


    Then why do you blog?

    I blog because I enjoy the interplay, the contest of facts and opinions. I guess you blog because you like to see how many people can agree with you.

    Its funny to hear you claim that Liberals, when confronted with facts, resort to the politics of personal destruction. This is in a thread where the only one making any disparaging comments about people or groups is you.

    So you feel comfortable making unsupported claims and vague generalities and when asked for references or specifics just tell me that you are too busy to expand on your original post.

    There is a reasonable debate to be had about what constitues pork and which areas of government spending to reduce.

    There is a reasonable debate to be had about what taxes are reasonable and necessary.

    But you are only interested in posting some vague generalities and pretending like my questions are beneath your notice.

    Enjoy your silence
