Friday, June 25, 2010

The "Disclose Act'

      A few months ago, the United States Supreme Court declared a law that prohibited Unions and Corporations from running campaign ads prior to elections unconstitutional. The House of Representatives just passed a new law which basically reinstates the law the Court threw out. This is how this arrogant Administration and Congress operate. They have absolutely no regard for our Constitution. It's just something that gets in their way, or they just totally make believe it doesn't even exist.
       Below is a email I just sent to Congressman Chris Murphy's office. If anyone would like to copy and paste it and send it to their Congress person, be my guest.

Dear Congressman Murphy,
       I just found out that you voted in favor of HR 5175, "The Disclose Act". When you took your oath of office you swore to uphold The Constitution of the United States. The First Amendment specifically states that Congress shall pass NO law abridging Freedom of Speech. How much clearer can that be?? It doesn't say it can pass some laws or laws we think should be passed, it says "NO" laws. You obviously have no respect for, or don't care about your oath to uphold the Constitution. You also have no respect for the Supreme Court of The United States. They declared this type of legislation unconstitutional and you go right ahead and pass a new law that will also be declared unconstitutional, but it will be in effect long enough to attempt to protect your "butt" in your re-election attempt this November. It won't work. I hope you get to extend unemployment insurance benefits because you will need them come next January. If you are going to reply to this with one of your silly form letters telling me what a wonderful job you are doing for me, don't bother. If you want to reply to the specifics of this email and let me know why you continue to violate our Constitution, be my guest.

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