Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've Been Telling You. Are You Listening or Do You Have Your Head in the Sand?

   Since I started this blog, I have been warning about what we will get with a Democrat takeover of Congress, and the Presidency. These people are Liberals, Progressives, Statists, Marxists, or Communists. You chose whatever term you want. They are concerned with one thing and one thing only. Total government control of the people. Your freedoms are headed out the window at the speed of light. Government run health care is one of the first steps. Later this year, parts of it kick in, including coverage for kids up to age 26, on their parents policy, requiring insurance companies to cover kids with pre-existing conditions, banning life time or yearly limits on coverage. Hey, those are great aren't they?? Yeh, they are, if there were no consequences, but there are. Insurance companies normally renew their policies in January. With all those mandates on them, they will have to raise premiums to cover the costs of those new mandates, and then the President, the Congress, the State run media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, etc.) will start screaming about those "evil" insurance companies raising their premiums. See how insidious this is. They front load the good stuff so it takes effect almost immediately, they get a pat on the back from the people, who join them in bashing the insurance companies, use this to get themselves re-elected, and the bad stuff is put off until about 2014. The bad stuff? The mandates that if you are not covered at work you are required to buy your own policy or face a fine, or jail, the hiring of 16,000 new IRS agents to monitor on a monthly basis whether you have coverage, the government will have access to your financial information so they can withdraw fines, etc. if you don't pay them. The bill mandates that the Health and Human Services Secretary shall make sure that costs do not exceed deficit neutrality. If it does, health care costs will have to be cut to comply with this mandate. How will this be accomplished? The only way it can. Rationing of health care and end of life counseling for the elderly. Death Panels.
      This is the kind of stuff this crowd is pushing. They have now taken over your medical care, some auto companies, some banks, the student loan program. You didn't know that was in the Health care bill? Taking that over will give them control over education curriculum (I don't think they will include learning about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights). Your medical treatment is no longer between you and your doctor. It is between you and the government, which will tell your doctor when and how to treat you. Still on the horizon is Cap and Trade, which will cause massive tax increases in energy costs and government control of energy companies, Immigration reform which will result in amnesty for illegal immigrants already here and will give the Democrats about 12 million new supporters. How are they going to pay for all this? There is talk about taking the money in people's IRA's, 401K's, and SEP accounts and making them government programs and the Deficit Study group Obama set up will probably come back and say we need a VAT tax. A National Sales tax on top of the income and all the other taxes we already pay.
      Some followers of my blog have commented on various posts that I am paranoid. Well, just remember the saying "just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you". I like to consider myself a student of history. I've enjoyed it ever since elementary school. What is going on now in this country is exactly what went on in Russia after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, in Germany with the rise of the Nazi party during the 1930's, and what is going on today in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez. The people in those countries thought that the government was doing the right thing and supported it. As has always been said, "those that don't pay attention to history, are deemed to repeat it." You doubt me? Below is a clip from John Dingell, the longest serving Democrat in the House of Representatives

John Dingell clip

Here's another interesting clip:

Want more: 

WAKE UP OUT THERE or shortly you will turn around and say "What the hell happened??

1 comment:

  1. I must have hit the big time, I'm starting to get spam comments on my posts.

    Heh, Priya, Take a hike!!
