Monday, November 9, 2009

Major Nidal Malik Hasan

Last week, Major Hasan went on a shooting  spree at Fort Hood in Texas, killing 13 and wounding over 20. This piece of human debris is a devout Muslim, who attended the same mosque as two of the 9/11 hijackers. He has made posts on radical Islamic websites praising suicide bombers. He yelled out "God is great" in Arabic when he opened fire (This is what terrorists do when they start their attacks). When he was working at Walter Reed Army hospital in Washington, D.C., he had several fellow workers who wanted to make complaints against him, but they were afraid that they would be accused of discrimination, because Muslims seem to be a protected species and we definitely should not do profiling. He was  against our war on terror. I know it's not known as that anymore, but that's what it is. There has been some talk that he was "teased" by fellow soldiers because of he stand on our stand on Radical Islamic extremism. Poor, baby! This guy should have been thrown out of the Army, a long time ago, but because we don't want upset any Muslims, the Army did nothing. Even if there was no connection to Al Qaeda or any other organized terrorist  group, this was an act of terror, period. This is what political correctness gets you, folks!!

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