Sunday, October 25, 2009

Letter to the Editor of the Waterbury Republican

Global-warming bill will save consumers money, create jobs

 On Sept. 30, the Clean Jobs and American Power Act was introduced in the Senate. This landmark bill limits global-warming pollution, strengthens energy-efficiency standards and invests in renewable energy and green transportation. It is an essential first step toward building a clean-energy economy.

The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy estimates a federal energy bill with strong efficiency provisions will save the average Connecticut family $349 a year on its energy bills and create 8,900 jobs in Connecticut by 2020.

Over the next decade, tough energy-efficiency measures also would eliminate as much pollution as 1 million cars on Connecticut's roads emit in one year.

We are counting on Sens. Christopher Dodd and Joseph Lieberman to do everything in their power to pass a bill with strong energy-efficiency requirements to put cash in back in our wallets and position America to lead the fight against global warming.

Nancy Pyne

West Hartford

The writer is an Environment Connecticut fellow.

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