Friday, April 17, 2009

Right Wing Extremist

As most of you know, I am pro-life, I believe in the Second Amendment, small government, vastly reduced taxes, and very little intrusion by government in our lives. Well, guess what? According to the report (see picture on the right), issued earlier this week by the Department of Homeland Security, I am a Right Wing Extremist. I, along with millions of other Americans have been marginalized. Why? Because we disagree with the policies of the current Administration in Washington. Once again the U.S. Constitution is being trashed! Whatever happened to the First Amendment - "Congress shall make no law.....abridging the Freedom of Speech"?????
This country is rapidly going down the tubes, while a large number of people are sitting on the sidelines and watching. It is disgraceful and very discouraging. I will continue to speak out and hope I can get more people involved, but be put on notice, if you don't hear from me for awhile, it probably means I have been dragged off to a re-education camp.

P.S. If you would like to look at the report or read it, it can be found at


  1. Hey Jon! Don't be so hard on yourself. You're not an extremist, but rather a "hopeful" as all of us are. You might want to temper your listening to Rush and Glen, they are extreme. But extreme in that they fear for our country, and are afraid the President won't accomplish what they want of him.

    All of the cliches apply here, but the truth may be that we have to give him a chance, and try to work with him and temper his actions instead of condemming them.

    The tea parties got the attention intended, but also, probably more. Some people don't know what to do with the microphone when they get it. If their passion is truly concern for our country, we will be well-served by the lessons of the day.

    No one wants to damage our country. It takes time to reclaim that which took 20-30 years to undo. If the strategy of the new administration is flawed, it will be self-evident. We then need to correct it, not condemn it. Nothing is gained by calling names, pointing fingers, and being a party of no.

    If the dissenters are serious, thay can get into the tent and piss out, instead of standing outside the tent and pissing in. The signers of the constitution in the last blog disagreed greatly in their quest, and suffered geatly for their efforts, but they stayed together and got it done.

    When Rush and Glen get off on a tirade, it makes me want to turn down the radio to be sure no one else hears. We can get through this crises by coming together and working together. We get nowhere by thumping our brothers and calling them names.

  2. If Rush is extreme, then so am I. Every time he goes into a tirade, I turn my radio UP in hopes more people will hear the truth. I'm sorry, but I will do all I can do to prevent "the annointed one" from getting his chance to turn this country into what he envisions as a Socialist Utopia. You're right, the Founders did disagree greatly but hung together and got "it" done. "It" being very limited government and lot's of personal liberty, something that we have strayed very far away from today. Just read what Lincoln said in my "Abe" post. The "Messiah" is doing everything the exact opposite of everything that Abe said. His strategy is already self evident and it's scary as hell. His shaking hands with Hugo Chavez, bowing to the Saudi king, and apologizing for this country all over the world is all I need to know!!!!! I'll be at the next Tea Party, where ever it is.
    Limited government and "free" markets are what made this country great and can do so again, if allowed to. We need to get far away from government interference in the private sector and the "class warfare" constantly being preached by the "Left", who are constantly "thumping their brothers and calling them names".
