Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hypocrisy VI

Did you hear about the newly renovated (at a cost of over one billion dollars) Fontaine Bleu hotel in Miami Beach? At this hotel, the rooms start at $400 a night and go up from there. Do you remember the bashing some of the major corporations took from the main stream media and the Obama Administration for having lavish getaways in Las Vegas for Corporate executives? Some of those companies actually canceled the meetings, because of the verbal abuse they got, at a loss of millions of dollars for the city of Las Vegas. Back to the Fontaine Bleu. Last week the AFL-CIO labor organization held a get together there, at a cost of millions of dollars of union member's union dues. Vice President Joe Biden actually spoke there (without any press allowed). I did not see one peep about this in the main stream media nor did I hear any complaints from the OBama Administration. Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot, the Unions are big time Democrat supporters. How silly of me to forget that! In fact, unions spent $80 million, to help elect Obama, who has said to the Unions "you will always have a seat at the table".


1 comment:

  1. To be fair when you're fighting for the rights of unskilled workers to make 80 bucks an hour you have to make a lot of sacrifices. Sacrifices like "not living the lifestyle of a decadent Roman emporor" or "being open to public scrutiny".

    I don't know if I'd have to guts to give up all those things like these noble men and women have.
