Monday, March 2, 2009

How are you doing? - Part II

Just so there is no misunderstanding. If the corporations get our tax dollars, then the Government has the right to put "strings" on them. However, if you were a bank and a corporation came to you looking for a loan and you saw that they were on the brink of bankruptcy, would you give them a loan? Part of the Free Enterprise system is that you can succeed, or you can fail. There is no such thing as "They're too big to fail". If it's failing, you let it go. The pieces will be picked up by other businesses or they can declare bankruptcy and reorganize. If you bail them out, you are rewarding failure, and that does not fit with the Free Enterprise system. The government has NO RIGHT to get involved in the business of any corporation not receiving taxpayer dollars.
I guess this a good time for a quiz on Corporations.

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