Friday, March 20, 2009

AIG Bonuses

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would impose a 90% tax on the bonuses recently received by AIG executives. Good, you say, we sure got them!! Well, if your rage is directed at those executives, let me fill you in on some information you won't get by watching the Evening News. We are being played like village idiots. Your rage should be directed at the Liberal Democrats in Congress. When the stimulus bill was being written, they included language in it that allowed for contractual bonuses to be paid. Well, this past week, they got caught with their pants down, when the bonuses were made public. Suddenly, they had their underwear in a knot. "How greedy, why we have to do something about it", so they passed the bill imposing the tax. This lays the groundwork and precedent for imposing similar taxes on anyone, anytime they wish in the future and if you don't think those taxes aren't coming you have your head up your you know what. There is something very insidious involved in this and it involves that thing that keeps getting in the way of the Liberal's agenda. That thing called the United States Constitution. Article I, Section 9. among other things says that "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed". An ex post facto law is a law that applies to something prior to passage of the law. In other words, if you cross the road today and tomorrow they pass a law saying it's illegal to cross the road, you cannot be charged with that crime unless you cross the road again, after the law is passed. These clowns in Washington vowed to uphold the Constitution when they were sworn into office. When are we going to hold them accountable. I am really getting tired of the apathy in this country. If something isn't done soon, the country as we know it is going down the proverbial tube.

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