Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama Administration - Coming Attractions

Here are a few of the things the Obama Administration and the Democrat Congress will attempt to force on the American people in the coming months. All are direct violations of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is that part of the Constitution that protects individual rights and keeps getting in the way of the Liberal Democrat's true agenda for our country.

1. Reinstitution of the "Fairness Doctrine".
This is a blatant attack on the First Amendment's Freedom of Speech clause! It will be an attempt to silence Conservative Talk Radio (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and dozens of local commentators) and Conservative Blogs on the Internet, but the Left Wing Media (CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN) will not be included, because the liberals consider them to be "balanced" already. They will do this by saying that there should be equal time for Liberal points of view (which are already broadcast on the above networks) as well as the Conservative point of view. Well, this was tried by "Air America", a Liberal Radio network that went bankrupt after about 4 months on the air a few years ago. The reason - nobody listened. Radio is all about ratings and advertising. Conservative talk radio has millions of listeners and high ratings. If the Fairness Doctrine is brought back, Radio stations will have no choice but to give up broadcasting Conservative Talk radio shows and revert back to a "Top Forty" format or something similar, because they cannot afford to lose the ratings and advertising that would result if they carried "Liberal" radio that no one listened to. You will be left with nothing but the Left wing "spin" on CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN and web sites such as "

2. "Card check".
This is about unionizing companies. The current procedure is for workers who wish to unionize, is to approach a Union and request information. The Union then presents it's case to the workers and the Company does the same. The workers then vote by "SECRET BALLOT" if they want a union. "Secret Ballot" is the whole basis of Democracy in our country. Under card check, workers would be presented with a card, by Union organizers, on which they would check off "yes" or "no" to the Union. No "secret ballot" would be used. Once 51% or more of the workers checked off that they want to unionize, the company is unionized. How many people are going to refuse to sign up for the Union when they are met in the parking lot after work by two or three Union thugs requesting that they approve the union? Not very many! This is a blatant attack on "Free Choice".

3. Confiscation of 401K's, IRA,'s and SEP accounts.
Right now, the Liberals in Congress need as much money as they can lay their hands on for their pet spending projects. Where is all that money going to come from? Congress is looking at ending the tax deduction for contributions made to these accounts or actually taking your retirement accounts and rolling them into your Social Security account, and promising to pay about 3% on that money and any future contributions . They will then spend that money (probably trillions of dollars) and do as they do now and put a bunch of IOU's in your Social Security account. "I won't let them take that money, you say". Well, what they will do is promise to give you the value of what your accounts were last August, before all those "evil" Wall Street Corporate Executives tanked the Stock Market. Since most retirement accounts have lost anywhere from 25-50% of their value at the moment, compared to last August, that would be a huge incentive to back their plan. If the plan goes through, over the years you will lose tens of thousands of dollars, compared to what you have now in private investments.

4. More Gun Control laws
Despite the "Heller vs. District of Columbia" decision by the U.S. Supreme Court last June , that found that the "Right to Keep and Bear Arms" is an individual right, there will be attempts at the reinstatement of the "Assault Weapons" ban. This would ban guns that look "evil" and would include many new models of semi-automatic and pump rifles and shotguns not included in the original ban which expired a few years ago. All "Assault weapons" sold today are semi-automatic (one shot for each trigger pull). No different than a lot of hunting rifles sold today. Fully automatic rifles and shotguns (keeps firing until trigger is released) were banned in the "30's and cannot be sold to the general public, although video of these fully automatic firearms are what are shown by the mainstream Media when they do a story on "Assault Weapons". There will also be an attempt to institute a Federal law requiring registration of all firearms, and Federal Safety training and licensing of all firearms owners. Since they usually have a tough time getting this type of legislation passed, they will also attempt to increase the taxes on ammunition so that it becomes prohibitively expensive. Liberals don't want an armed populace!! This will be a huge assault on the Second Amendment!!

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