Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I'm sitting here watching the local news, something my wife says I shouldn't do because I get so upset at the crap they call journalism these days. They did a story that apparently originated in the Journal "Nature". It was about a group that thinks sugar should be regulated like cigarettes and alcohol. Things like age limits to buy candy bars or soda. Give me a break!! Is there no end to government intrusion into our lives? How about we put Phys. Ed. classes back in schools? You know the courses that were taken out of the public school systems, so they could teach those self-esteem courses, and brainwash the the kids in other classes about Global Warming, oops, excuse me, now it's called Climate Change, the evils of Capitalism, and don't forgot those "evil" rich people. Put harsh restrictions on sugar and pretty soon we'll be dealing with Mexican Sugar Cartels. I have about had it! Anybody out there want to start a much needed Second American Revolution. Count me in. Let's start this November at the ballot box.

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